Understanding MASLD Progression and related Cardiac Complications: A Gateway to Effective healthcare
Metabolic dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MASLD) now dominates chronic liver disease (CLD) in Europe, surpassing viral hepatitis and alcohol-related causes, with a prevalence exceeding 25%. This rise is linked to escalating risk factors from unhealthy lifestyles. MASLD’s diverse clinical trajectory, including steatosis, NASH, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, stems from varied underlying mechanisms. In particular, the inflammatory facet – non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH / MASH) – heightens cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, a leading cause of death in MASLD patients. Understanding MASLD progression and the liver-heart axis is crucial for effective management. This consortium will develop liver and heart computational models and virtual twins, offering insights into heart-liver functions across different stages of the disease

Showcasing 5 Transformative Deliverables from a Suite of Project Outcomes
ARTEMIs envisages filling in the gaps of virtual twins’ state-of-the-art and, at to offer clinicians a friendly-user, therapeutic decision-aid device to improve MASLD healthcare pathway. Here are some transformative deliverables that ARTEMIs will bring about:
- Integrated model (virtual twin) demonstrator per use case
- POC Feasibility Study design for each use case
- Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) final version
- POC Feasibility Study results for each use case
- Societal impact assessment
Scaling the ARTEMIS Model for Transformative Impact
The ARTEMIS model is designed for scalable deployment with the goal of extending its impact to enhance healthcare across various organs and therapeutic interventions, fostering improved decision-making. As radiogenomics unveils mechanistic pathways in cancer cells, ARTEMIS’ Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) will evolve to offer an interactive, user-friendly presentation of patients’ multimodal data.
We envision furthering integration and development of state-of-the-art computational models within new European Consortia in the near future
AcceleRating the Translation of virtual twins towards a pErsonalised Management of fatty lIver patientS
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