Use Case 2 – Fibrosis-associated heart failure patients

Clinical Leader: Prof Frey, Dr Leuschner, UKHD
Scientific Leader: U. Klingmuller, DKFZ

Case overview

In Use Case 2, machinelearning models exploiting multimodal data are proposed to improve CVD risk stratification in MASLD patients. This use case will also assess the translation of the liver fibrosis progression model of Use Case1, into a cardiac fibrosis progression model, facing the challenges related to the different nature of tissues between heart and liver, the heart being a muscle.

When the disease is diagnosed at advanced stages corresponding to a chronic condition (e.g. cirrhosis), interventions cannot stop the disease progression and the patient management focuses on managing the complications associated with the disease, such as portal hypertension, variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites.